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wisconsin's digital library
eBooks, eAudio, and eMagazines. You’ll need your library card and PIN to get started. Download the Libby app (Kindle users, please use the Overdrive app) and follow the prompts.
novelist plus
Your next great read is just clicks away! Ready to read something new? NoveList Plus has you covered.
consumer reports
Get unbiased ratings and reviews for 8500+ products and services from Consumer Reports.
reference solutions
Reference Solutions is the number 1 source of information on businesses and people for small business owners, marketing professionals, researchers.
auto repair source
Authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles! This database is provided courtesy of BadgerLink
Wisconsin's Online Library, providing Wisconsin residents with licensed magazines and newspapers not available through regular search engines.

New york times
Enjoy complimentary access to the New York Times
1.Visit using any device. Ensure you are using the library’s WiFi connection.
2.Go to the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click on “Log in” to create a free account or log-in to your existing account.
3.You now have full access to all journalism on while logged in at the library.
Note: The NYT News App is not included as part of the onsite web-only experience. You may redeem a 24-hour access code to have access to the NYT News App from anywhere.
1.Go to redeem a 24-hour access code.
2.Your code will auto-populate. Click redeem.
3.You will need to either register for a free account or log in to your existing account.
4.After receiving confirmation that your access code is valid, you will have 24-hours of complimentary access to The New York Times, via and the NYT News App.
5.Once your 24-hour access code expires, you can simply repeat the process from Step 1 to redeem another 24-hour code.